APA 2015

Vieillissement, dépression, cognition : pas de confusion

Vieillissement, dépression, cognitions : confusion diagnostique et confusion thérapeutique 

Publié le : 01 Jul 2015

• SCR Studies in Geriatric Psychiatry and Dementia (Saturday Room 713 A-B) 3. Self-Perceived Need for Mental Health Care and Successful Treatment of Depressive Symptoms in the Elderly: Findings From an Implementation Study ITW Eric Van Exel Q4B12THM

• SCR Studies in Geriatric Psychiatry and Dementia (Saturday Room 713 A-B)4. Altered Default Mode Network Connectivity in Patients With Late- Life Depression ITW Helen Lavretsky Q5B3

• Disorders for the General Psychiatrist (Symposium Sunday Room 717 A-B) 1. Depression and Cognitive Decline in Later Life: Cause, Consequence or Comorbidity? ITW Damien Gallagher

• Disorders for the General Psychiatrist (Symposium Sunday Room 717 A-B) 3. An Approach to Diagnosing and Managing Cognitive Impairment in Psychiatric Practice: Cognitive Effects of Psychiatric Illness and Psychotropic Medications ITW Andrea Iaboni+++

• Advances in Therapeutic Interventions in Geriatric Psychiatry (Symposium Monday Room 714 A-B) 3. Neuromodulation in the Treatment of Geriatric Psychiatric Disorders ITW William M. McDonald