APA 2015

Maladies alcooliques, c'est dans les vieux pots...

Des médicaments et des thérapies psychosociales dont l’efficacité est démontrée sont disponibles dans l’alcoolisme (NI3A) : maintenant, il faut les associer correctement

Publié le : 01 Jul 2015

• How Science Can Inform the Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorders (Lectures (NI3A) Exhibit Hall A, Level 300 ITW George Koob

• Choosing the Right Treatment for Substance Use Disorders (Symposia Sunday Rooms 201 A-F) 5. Combining Medication and Psychosocial Interventions in the Treatment of Substance Use Disorders ITW Edward V. Nunes

• Advances in Medications Development to Treat Alcohol Use Disorder and Co-Occurring Psychiatric Disorders (Symposia, Saturday Room 701 B) 3. Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder With Co-Occurring Bipolar Disorder: Efficacy and Prediction of Treatment Response ITW Ihasan M. Salloum

• Advances in Medications Development to Treat Alcohol Use Disorder and Co-Occurring Psychiatric Disorders (Symposia, Saturday Room 701 B) 4. Alcohol Use Disorder and Schizophrenia: Approaches to Pharmacologic Interventions ITW Alan I. Green

